2019 Club AGM Minutes
Posted on January 27, 2020- Date: 20200122
- Location: The Gap Tavern, Queensland
Attended in person
- Tony Morris
- Rex Scarf
- Tony Howes
- Andrew Robinson
- Martin Laizans
- Amanda Ward (non-member)
- Mark Pendrith
- Phil Eichinski
Attended via proxy
- Phillip Kirkman
- Edward Tan
- Warren Ward
Previous minutes
- The minutes of the 2018 AGM were unanimously accepted.
Matters arising from 2018 AGM minutes
- Recent print-outs of club documents have not been easily legible
- Andrew R to get a new, laser printer
- New processes for handling casual visitors adopted during 2019 included stopping tournament play when visitors came
- This has been successful and will be continued
- Changing starting time to 1930 UTC+10
- All approved of this change, except Martin
Management Committee Reports
- The President’s Report was not presented formally by Andrew Robinson.
- Instead, this was covered as a discussion of the current state of the club and the matters that arose are set out below in General Business below.
- The Treasurer’s Report was presented by Tony Morris
- The club’s income exceeded its expenditure slightly for the year ending 30 Sep 2019.
- Generally, the club’s finances are healthy and there is no need to alter the current club fee structure.
Election of office bearers for 2020
- All positions were declared vacant and the following office bearers were elected.
- President: Andrew Robinson
- Vice-President: Vacant
- Secretary: Tony Morris
- Treasurer: Tony Morris
- Tournament Director/Arbiter: Andrew Robinson
- Publicity Officer: Tony Howes
- Equipment Officer: Tony Morris
- CAQ Delegate: Andrew Robinson
- Candidates for all positions were elected unanimously and unopposed.
General Business
- Alter the front page of the website when the club closed
- Some visitors have arrived to the club when it is closed
- Tony Morris will add a message to the website and is happy to be reminded if it is not there when it needs to be
- The website already has a schedule on it the front page, so it only needs a notice when an unanticipated closure is occurring
- Coffee cupboard
- Warren Ward usually helps with this, but is unlikely to attend the first half of the year
- Tony Morris is happy to set it up
- Request help from those around to put it away at the end of the night
- Second set of keys to the club room
- This hasn’t happened yet.
- Martin proposed creating an internal Facebook group
- Rex seconded the proposal
- Motion passed, with Tony Morris and Mark Pendrith abstaining
- Amanda Ward will create the Facebook group for the club
- Phil proposed that we find new ways to get more club members
- Mark proposed clarifying that our relaxed tournament scheduling which allows deferral of games (not allowed at many other chess clubs) be better advertised
- Mark proposed finding a different venue, and suggested a bar or cafe
- Mark will investigate possibilities for a new venue and communicate it back to the club’s management committee
- Martin proposes changing the club name
- Martin suggested some people may think the club is restricted to the suburb of The Gap for its membership
- There was no support for changing the name, and objections were offered to alternative proposals such as “Western Suburbs Chess Club”
- Mark proposed altering the website to include a list of suburbs in our region (which may help with visibility of the website to search engines)
- The suggestion to amend the website was agreed to
- Andrew proposes one (or more) nights per year to host a club night at a different venue e.g. The Gap Tavern
- Mark will investigate a venue that is OK with this idea
- Suggestions included pubs and coffee shops
- It was proposed that these nights be non-tournament nights
- Could be a Friday night or some other nominated time
- This proposal was unanimously endorsed
- CAQ has a 3 year club membership option
- This is now included on the 2020 TGCC membership application form
- Meeting closes 2020 (UTC+10)
> Tony Morris
Tony is the Treasurer of The Gap Chess Club.